High Chair Standard
New Mandatory High Chair Standard in Effect as of June 19, 2019
It is no longer business as usual when it comes to high chairs. A new federal standard to improve the safety of all high chairs – both in restaurants and at home – was recently approved by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).
The mandatory standard went into effect June 19, 2019. Is your restaurant ready? Learn what makes a high chair compliant and about Koala compliant products.
Compliance Requirements
Several hazards are addressed with this new standard. They include: issues related to seat surface area, restraint system, armrest, tray and footrest; design, stability and other general product issues; and fall hazards. The new measure outlines the safety requirements for all high chairs both at home or in public establishments:
- Rearward stability to prevent chairs from tipping backward
- Warning labels about tipping hazards
- Passive crotch restrain system
- Active three-point restraint system
- Product registration to be alerted to possible recalls
Compliant Koala Kare Models
Helping operators of public establishments equip their operations to accommodate the needs of caregivers and their children is what Koala Kare Products is all about. All high chairs currently available for purchase from Koala Kare meet the ASTM F404-21 standard. For more information on our high chairs, click the links below.
Are Your High Chairs Compliant?
Not sure if your boosters are compliant? Fill out the form below to be contacted.