Bathrooms Accessible in Every Situation (BABIES) Act
“This bill requires restrooms in a public building to be equipped with baby changing facilities that the General Services Administration (GSA) determines are physically safe, sanitary, and appropriate. “Public building” means a public building controlled by the GSA’s Public Building Service. Such requirement shall be subject to any reasonable accommodations that may be made for individuals in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Such requirement shall be inapplicable: to a restroom in a public building that is not available or accessible for public use, to a restroom that contains clear and conspicuous signage indicating where a restroom with a baby changing table is located on the same floor of such building, if new construction would be required to install a baby changing facility in the building and the cost of such construction is unfeasible, or to a building not subject to an alteration for which any appropriations must be approved by the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works and the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.”
Public Law No: 114-235 (10/07/2016)
Summary: H.R.5147 — 114th Congress (2015-2016)