Should you provide sanitizing wipes and liners for your Koala Kare Baby Changing Station? The answer is a resounding yes!
Fortunately, Koala Kare is proud to offer the resources you need, including sanitary bed liners and a maintenance chart to help you effectively maintain your unit and keep it clean. Whether you have a KB101 or KB200 Koala Baby Changing Station, we’re here to make maintenance easy and provide the amenities necessary to meet parents’ expectations. When you reference our maintenance sheets and provide sanitary bed liners, parents will appreciate and recognize the effort.
According to research conducted by an independent market research firm in 2016, here’s what parents have to say about the cleanliness of Baby Changing Stations they encounter when out in public:
• “I don’t always need them, but when you need them, you have to have them. Otherwise, you must change your baby in your car or on the floor…YUCK!”
• “[We need] ways to make them more sanitary. And for the love of all that is good…have a trashcan RIGHT BY the changing table.”
• “[Businesses should provide] better protection from actual changing station liners or something.”
Are you ready to address these concerns? Click below to access resources to help maintain your unit.