174 - Warning Label for KB200 and KB208 BCSs (Outside U.S. and Canada)
For Use With: KB200-INB, KB200-SS-INB, and KB208-INB
Baby Changing Station Warning Label adheres to the inside of the baby changing station on the back wall. Label is tamper resistant and intended for use outside of US and Canada. Label also includes Koala contact information.
Unit Dimensions (approx): 5½”W x 1⅝”H (140 x 41 mm)
Label reads “Warning: Do not leave the child unattended. The changing unit is intended for infants up to 12 months of age, with a maximum weight of 11 kg. Advertencia: Nunca deje al niño solo en el cambiador. La unidad ésta diseñad a para babés de hasta 12 meses de edad, con un peso máximo de 11 kg. Attention: Ne jamais laisser l’enfant sans surveillance conforme aux exigencies de securite. Pour enfants jusqu’à 12 moins et d’un poids maximum de 11 kg. Warnung: Das kind nie un beaufsichtigt lassed. Der Wickeltisch ist für Kinder bis zu 12 Monaten mit einem Maximalgewicht von 11 kg bestimmt.”